

Wiper/Excluder/Scraper Seals: Essential Defense for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Elevate the protection and efficiency of your hydraulic and pneumatic systems with our expertly engineered Wiper/Excluder/Scraper seals. Designed to work in harmony with Rod Seals, they form the critical first line of defense against external contaminants.

Key Features:

  • Robust Contaminant Barrier: Specifically crafted to prevent the ingress of dirt, debris, and other harmful particles, ensuring that your systems remain clean and functional.
  • Enhanced Material Durability: Made from high-resistance materials that withstand abrasive conditions and provide long-lasting performance.
  • Seamless Integration: Perfectly complements Rod Seals to enhance overall sealing effectiveness, providing a comprehensive protection solution.


  • Prolonged Equipment Lifespan: By keeping contaminants out, our seals help prevent premature wear and tear on vital system components, extending the life of your equipment.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Minimizes the need for frequent cleanings and repairs, leading to significant savings on maintenance expenses.
  • Optimized System Performance: Ensures that hydraulic and pneumatic systems operate at peak efficiency, reducing downtime and enhancing productivity.

Choose our Wiper/Excluder/Scraper seals for superior protection and performance. Trust our seals to keep your systems clean, efficient, and contaminant-free, safeguarding your investments and maximizing operational reliability.